FERNWOOD FITNESS - PULSE eMagazine - Issue#10 - Flipbook - Page 16
Types of yoga
Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa classes typically comprise a sequence of poses that are moved through with one
movement per breath.
Restorative Yoga
A Restora琀椀ve yoga class typically involves only 昀椀ve or six relaxing poses - supported by props,
such as blankets, bolsters, pillows, blocks, or stacks of books - that you linger in for several
minutes. The postures are designed to help you to release tension and rest.
Hot Yoga
Any style of yoga prac琀椀ced in an inten琀椀onally heated room is hot yoga. The temperature is
believed to encourage increased 昀氀exibility, although it’s important to exert cau琀椀on.
Yin Yoga
A rela琀椀vely recently developed style, Yin yoga involves varia琀椀ons of seated and supine stretches
that are typically held for 3 to 5 minutes to access fascia, a type of connec琀椀ve 琀椀ssue that is the
subject of much research. Exer琀椀ng subtle tension on fascia can improve 昀氀exibility and minimize
recovery 琀椀me from injuries.
Ashtanga Yoga
An athle琀椀c and demanding prac琀椀ce based on several set sequences of postures that remain
the same, an Ashtanga yoga prac琀椀ce is taught in increasing levels of di昀케culty. Beginners start
with the Primary Series.
Hatha Yoga
Unlike vinyasa, Hatha yoga focuses on individual poses and not the linking of poses from one
to the next. The prac琀椀ce is meant to deepen your understanding of each pose.
Yoga Therapy
Any yogic technique used to systema琀椀cally address physical injury or pain, as well as mental
and emo琀椀onal stress or trauma, can be considered yoga therapy.
YIyengar Yoga
By paying careful a琀琀en琀椀on to the alignment of each posture, Iyengar yoga is the prac琀椀ce of
precision. Poses are held for extended periods of 琀椀me and students are o昀琀en supported with
props to experience the posture’s intended alignment.