FERNWOOD FITNESS - PULSE eMagazine - Issue#10 - Flipbook - Page 17
Jivamukti Yoga
This style of yoga is de昀椀ned by incorpora琀椀ng chan琀椀ng, medita琀椀on, pranayama, philosophy,
and music into a vigorous vinyasa prac琀椀ce. Jivamuk琀椀 is a physically and intellectually s琀椀mula琀椀ng
type of yoga.
Kundalini Yoga
A blend of spiritual and physical prac琀椀ces, Kundalini yoga includes less of an emphasis on
movement and more on dynamic breathing techniques, medita琀椀on, and the chan琀椀ng of mantras.
Power Yoga
This prac琀椀ce 昀氀ows from one pose to the next. Power yoga has many of the same quali琀椀es
as Ashtanga and some types of vinyasa, including building internal heat, increasing stamina,
enhancing strength and 昀氀exibility, as well as reducing stress.
Prenatal Yoga
With an emphasis on breathing, stamina, pelvic 昀氀oor work, restora琀椀ve poses, and core strength,
prenatal yoga can be prac琀椀ced both during and a昀琀er pregnancy.
Tantra Yoga
By harnessing and embodying the 昀椀ve forces of Shak琀椀, the divine feminine that represents
crea琀椀vity and change, tantric yoga intends to help you move through the world with more
con昀椀dence and contentment.