FERNWOOD FITNESS - PULSE eMagazine - Issue#10 - Flipbook - Page 28
Protein shakes, powders and
In Australia, most people eat plenty of
protein from the foods they eat.
Some people use protein supplements in
an e昀昀ort to build muscle. The best way
to build muscle is to do exercise that
uses muscle strength. Although muscle
is made of protein, the preferred fuel
for working muscles is carbohydrate.
Some people may require protein
supplements to help recover a昀琀er
surgery or because of certain medical
condi琀椀ons. In these instances,
a protein supplement may be
bene昀椀cial, but always seek advice
from an Accredited Prac琀椀cing
Die琀椀琀椀an if you’re unsure.
High protein diets
High protein diets have been
popular in some fad diets. It
is important that any diet
you follow provides all
nutrients and doesn’t cut
out whole food groups.
High protein diets may
put added stress on
the kidneys, so it is
important to seek advice
from your GP or an APD
before commencing a
high protein diet.
Having more protein than
our body needs doesn’t
mean we store it for later. In
fact, any protein we don’t need
will be excreted by the body.