FERNWOOD FITNESS - PULSE eMagazine - Issue#10 - Flipbook - Page 47
Another issue highlighted by the survey is
that approximately 40% of Australians do
not know where to seek help for domes琀椀c
violence concerns. This issue is mirrored in the
workplace, where vic琀椀ms' chances of seeking
help are o昀琀en further diminished.
In 2019, the Sightlines team at Domes琀椀c
Violence Service Management conducted
a survey involving individuals with personal
experiences of family and domes琀椀c violence.
The 昀椀ndings included:
> Roughly half of all surveyed employees
were uncertain whether their employer
had a DFV policy.
> The majority of employees grappling
with DFV chose not to disclose their
situa琀椀on to their employer (66%).
> Of the 34% who did disclose, most
con昀椀ded in their manager or a colleague.
The workplace can serve as a potential protective factor for
those experiencing domestic and family violence (DFV) to
disclose their experiences in a safe environment and seek help.