FERNWOOD FITNESS - PULSE eMagazine - Issue#10 - Flipbook - Page 69
Global and Australian Leadership Trends
The landscape of leadership is con琀椀nually evolving. In Australia, there has
been a growing emphasis on diversity and inclusion within leadership roles.
The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) reports that companies
with gender-diverse leadership teams perform be琀琀er 昀椀nancially and have
higher levels of employee sa琀椀sfac琀椀on. Similarly, a study by McKinsey
& Company highlights that ethnic and cultural diversity in leadership
correlates with increased pro昀椀tability and innova琀椀on.
Globally, there is a shi昀琀 towards more empathe琀椀c and people-centred
leadership styles. The 2023 Global Leadership Forecast by DDI suggests
that empathy is becoming a cri琀椀cal skill for leaders worldwide. Leaders who
demonstrate empathy are be琀琀er equipped to connect with their teams,
understand their challenges, and foster a suppor琀椀ve work environment.