FERNWOOD FITNESS - PULSE eMagazine - Issue#10 - Flipbook - Page 46
What are the
obstacles to
One obstacle for victims
of domestic and family
violence (DFV) when
considering disclosure
is the fear of stigma and
how that impacts an
individual’s safety.
A 2018 Australian survey
featured in the publication
"How are gender inequality
and violence against women
related?," unveiled certain
misconceptions related to DFV
that may deter victims from
seeking assistance.
Nearly one in three
Australians believed that women who
remain with abusive partners share par琀椀al
responsibility for perpetua琀椀ng the violence.
More than two in five
Australians concurred that false sexual
assault allega琀椀ons are commonly used
to retaliate against men.
One in five
Australians considered violence a
normal response to everyday stress.
Over one in five
Australians agreed that some琀椀mes,
a woman's ac琀椀ons could inadvertently
provoke a man to hit her.