FERNWOOD FITNESS - PULSE eMagazine - Issue#11 - Flipbook - Page 18
Located at the top of the
cli昀昀s at the southernmost
琀椀p of Bali, Six Senses
Uluwatu Resort is a stunning
accommoda琀椀on op琀椀on with
uninterrupted ocean views
from every aspect.
Bali’s sense of calm and
serenity is beau琀椀fully
interpreted in 28 sky suites
and penthouses and 75
cli昀昀 pool villas, which are
all interspersed with lush
vegeta琀椀on for seclusion.
Drawing upon the local culture,
they embrace nature and o昀昀er
every creature comfort.
Views to Die For
No ma琀琀er where you are—be
it in your room, private pool,
or bathtub, or even at the
restaurants or main pools—the
uninterrupted, drama琀椀c views
of the Indian Ocean are simply
spectacular! When it comes to
sunset and cli昀昀-top vistas, Six
Senses Uluwatu o昀昀ers some
of the very best in all of Bali!
Eat Well
Bali’s unique cuisine is
in昀氀uenced by Indonesian,
Chinese, and Indian cultures,
with aroma琀椀c spices
enhancing fresh vegetables,
meat, and seafood. The resort
o昀昀ers an eclec琀椀c range of
cuisine, both as an ode to the
local Balinese food culture and
interna琀椀onally in昀氀uenced fare.
The resort adopts a farm-totable approach, highligh琀椀ng
its zero-waste sustainability
Move Well
A state-of-the-art 昀椀tness
centre features tradi琀椀onal
cardio and weight machines
with func琀椀onal training
equipment. There is an
outdoor 昀椀tness circuit and a
yoga and medita琀椀on pavilion.