FERNWOOD FITNESS - PULSE eMagazine - Issue#11 - Flipbook - Page 19
did you know…
All Six Senses resorts produce their own still and sparkling
drinking water for guests to minimise the carbon footprint that
results from the packaging and transport of water.
Sleep Well
The Sleep Upgrade is
for guests wan琀椀ng to
improve their sleep quality.
It starts with an online
ques琀椀onnaire and includes
a Sleep Bag with sleep aids
and bathroom ameni琀椀es,
moisture-wicking linens,
and op琀椀ons such as a sound
machine, specialty pillows,
and a humidi昀椀er. Guests
are also equipped with a
sleep tracker, the results of
which are interpreted during
a 30-minute consulta琀椀on
with a wellness expert who
recommends a personalised
programme of lifestyle
adjustments and treatments.
Find Your Zen
Six Senses Spa & Wellness
provides the best base possible
to help guests 昀氀ourish.
Whether you choose a
tradi琀椀onal Balinese spa massage
treatment or a more in-depth
wellness programme focused
on cleansing, sleep, or 昀椀tness,
you are sure to 昀椀nd your zen!
Cinema Under The Stars
A real treat is watching
blockbuster movies on the large
outdoor cinema screen under
the stars.
The resort has implemented
a series of sustainability
ini琀椀a琀椀ves designed to
reduce the energy, water,
and waste involved with
every guest’s stay. They
ac琀椀vely raise awareness in
the local communi琀椀es about
environmental and social
responsibility, and welcome
guests to learn more during
their garden tours, where you
can learn about compos琀椀ng,
and workshops in the Earth
Lab. The organic garden
supplies the restaurants
and bars with the freshest
ingredients. Kitchen oil is
converted to biodiesel.
Wastewater is treated onsite
and then mixed with rainwater
catchment for reuse in
landscape gardening and 昀椀re
hydrant storage. Well water
from the resort’s own source
is puri昀椀ed with sand 昀椀lters and
reverse osmosis 昀椀lters before
being bo琀琀led onsite.