FERNWOOD FITNESS - PULSE eMagazine - Issue#11 - Flipbook - Page 35
7. Seek Professional Help
Some琀椀mes, the best way to
reduce money stress is to get
support from a professional.
Financial counsellors and
advisors can help you create
a clear ac琀椀on plan, whether
it’s managing debt, inves琀椀ng,
or saving for the future. These
professionals are trained to
o昀昀er tailored advice that can
help relieve the pressure of
naviga琀椀ng your 昀椀nances alone.
5. Automate Savings
and Investments
6. The Role of
Financial Education
One of the easiest ways to
reduce money stress is to
automate your savings and
investments. By se琀�ng up
automa琀椀c transfers to your
savings account or investment
por琀昀olio, you remove the
burden of having to make
decisions every pay cycle.
Studies show that people
who automate their savings
accumulate more wealth over
琀椀me and report lower stress
levels because they don’t
have to ac琀椀vely manage their
昀椀nancial priori琀椀es.
Many people feel 昀椀nancial
stress due to a lack of
knowledge. A 2024
report by the Australian
Financial A琀�tudes
and Behaviour Tracker
found that only 35%
of Australians consider
themselves 昀椀nancially
literate. Learning about
basic 昀椀nancial concepts
like budge琀椀ng, inves琀椀ng,
and re琀椀rement planning
can empower you to
make informed decisions
and reduce the fear that
comes from uncertainty.
In Australia, superannua琀椀on
is an excellent example of
automated re琀椀rement savings,
with employers contribu琀椀ng
to employees’ future 昀椀nancial
security. However, it’s also
wise to create personal
savings plans that cater to
more immediate goals, like a
holiday fund or saving for a
home deposit.
Consider taking online
昀椀nancial literacy courses or
a琀琀ending workshops that
can teach you prac琀椀cal
money management skills.
Knowledge is power, and
being informed will
give you con昀椀dence
in naviga琀椀ng your
昀椀nancial journey.
In Australia, 昀椀nancial
counselling services are widely
available and o昀琀en free of
charge. Many countries o昀昀er
similar services, and it’s worth
exploring these op琀椀ons to
help ease 昀椀nancial burdens.
Remember, financial
wellness is a journey. Start
with small, manageable
steps, and over time, you’ll
find that money no longer
dominates your worries.
With the right tools, habits,
and support, you can
achieve a state of financial
peace that benefits your
overall wellbeing.
The informa琀椀on provided in this ar琀椀cle
was current at the 琀椀me of publica琀椀on
and is for general educa琀椀onal purposes
only. The content has been prepared
without considering your objec琀椀ves,
昀椀nancial situa琀椀on or needs. Because
of this, you should consider the
appropriateness of the informa琀椀on
against your own situa琀椀on and needs
before taking any ac琀椀on. Always seek the
advice of a quali昀椀ed 昀椀nancial specialist.