FERNWOOD FITNESS - PULSE eMagazine - Issue#11 - Flipbook - Page 44
Burnout can take a toll on
you emo琀椀onally, physically,
and even change the way
you behave. Here are some
of the common symptoms to
look out for:
Emotional Signs:
• Feeling helpless and
• Losing mo琀椀va琀椀on
• Struggling with self-doubt
and a sense of failure
• Feeling detached and
• Adop琀椀ng a cynical or
nega琀椀ve outlook
Behavioural Signs:
Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and
physical exhaustion. It often comes with feelings
of cynicism or negativity towards work, reduced
personal achievement, and a sense of being
overwhelmed by work demands. While
burnout isn’t a medical condition, it is
considered an occupational syndrome,
often caused by chronic, poorly managed
stress in the workplace. Recent studies
show that up to 88% of workers
experience burnout, making it a
common issue.
• Reduced produc琀椀vity
• Increased procras琀椀na琀椀on
• Withdrawing from work
or social interac琀椀ons
• Taking out frustra琀椀ons
on others
• Turning to food, alcohol,
or drugs to cope
Physical Signs:
• Changes in appe琀椀te and
sleep pa琀琀erns
• Persistent exhaus琀椀on
• Frequent headaches and
body pain
• Lowered immunity,
leading to frequent illness
You may experience all,
some, or just a few of these
symptoms. The key is to
catch and address them
early to prevent burnout
from ge琀�ng worse.