FERNWOOD FITNESS - PULSE eMagazine - Issue#11 - Flipbook - Page 46
Research on e昀昀ec琀椀ve interven琀椀ons for reducing burnout (like mindfulness or cogni琀椀ve-behavioural
therapy) is s琀椀ll emerging, so there isn’t a one-size-昀椀ts-all solu琀椀on. However, here are some general
strategies that might help you manage and recover from burnout:
Recognising that you’re
burnt out is the 昀椀rst step.
Being mindful of your mental
state and no琀椀cing signs like
poor sleep can be crucial.
It’s also helpful to re昀氀ect on
what might have led to your
burnout. Iden琀椀fying these
factors can prevent things
from ge琀�ng worse.
Talk About It:
It’s important to inform your
workplace about your burnout.
Addressing the root causes
within your organisa琀椀on
could be more e昀昀ec琀椀ve for
your recovery than focusing
solely on individual strategies.
For personal support, consider
reaching out to an Employee
Assistance Programme,
or speak with a mental
health professional.
Looking a昀琀er yourself is more
important than ever when
you’re experiencing burnout.
Taking a break from work to
reset might be essen琀椀al.
Since sleep plays a restora琀椀ve
role, aim for around 8 hours
of sleep each night and try
to maintain healthy sleep
habits. Ea琀椀ng nutri琀椀ous
meals, staying hydrated, and
exercising regularly can also
bene昀椀t your physical and
mental health, as well as
improve your sleep quality.
Although burnout might make
you want to isolate yourself,
staying socially connected
is crucial. Spend 琀椀me with
family, friends, or like-minded
people—socialising can be a
great way to relieve stress.
Burnout is o昀琀en linked to
depression, so engaging in
ac琀椀vi琀椀es you 昀椀nd meaningful
and enjoyable can help li昀琀
your mood. Seek out things
that bring you joy.
Building Resilience:
When you return to work,
it’s important to make las琀椀ng
changes to reduce stress.
Reevaluate your priori琀椀es and
set boundaries around your
work commitments. Ensure
you take regular breaks and
make 琀椀me for relaxa琀椀on
outside of work.