FERNWOOD FITNESS - PULSE eMagazine - Issue#11 - Flipbook - Page 55
Marinated chicken breast
Chicken breast is another versa琀椀le, bulk-cook
favourite of ours. For a taste of the Mediterranean,
coat 3-4 chicken breast strips with a marinade
of 2tbs olive oil, 2tbs lemon juice, 2 cloves of
crushed garlic, 2tbs chopped parsley, 1tsp dried
oregano,1tsp paprika, and a pinch of salt and
pepper. Foran Asian feel, coat 3-4 chicken breast
strips with a marinade of 2tbs soy sauce, 1tbs oyster
sauce,1tbs lime juice, 1tsp sesame oil, 20g grated
ginger and 2 cloves of garlic. For a healthy schnitzel
alterna琀椀ve, dip chicken breast strips in eggwash, then coat in a mix of oat bran and Dukkah
seasoning. Pan fry the marinated chicken strips for
approximately 10 minutes, or un琀椀l cooked through.
Slice and add to sandwiches, wraps and salads, or
serve alongside cooked vegetables.
Alterna琀椀vely, poach your chicken breasts
uncoated. You can add poached chicken to s琀椀r
fries, soups and other meals. Cooked chicken
will keep in your fridge for 4 days, or in your
freezer for 4 months.
Homemade bliss balls
Freezer friendly
curries & stir fries
We always breathe a sigh of relief, and
so will you, knowing that the freezer
is stocked with delicious, nutri琀椀ous
meals when there’s just no 琀椀me to
cook. A simple s琀椀r fry or curry may
take you 30 minutes or less to prepare
from start to 昀椀nish. We suggest
cooking a minimum of 4-6 serves, as
these meal swill last in your freezer for
3-6 months. You can even use frozen
or pre-chopped vegetables,
s琀椀r fry strips of chicken or
A simple
beef, and/or family size
stir fry or curry
microwave pouches of
may take you 30
rice to save 琀椀me.
minutes or less to
prepare from
start to finish.
Bliss balls can be a healthy alterna琀椀ve to chocolate for your a昀琀ernoon
or supper treat. However, many commercially made protein or bliss balls
are high in calories, saturated fats and/or sugars. Or, they are incredibly
expensive! It’s easy to make your own –for example: Blend 1 cup of rolled oats,
½ cup LSA, ½ cup pi琀琀ed dates, ½ cup natural protein powder,1tbs natural peanut
bu琀琀er OR 1tsp peppermint essence, 2tbs cocoa powder, and about ¼ cup water. Add
more water if necessary, to reach a s琀椀cky, rolling consistency. Coat with desiccated coconut
if desired. Bliss balls can keep in the fridge for 7 days, or freezer for 3 months.