FERNWOOD FITNESS - PULSE eMagazine - Issue#11 - Flipbook - Page 60
7. Reinforce traditional gender roles
Men are the main perpetrators of coercive
control all over the world. Abusers will
usually a琀琀empt to reinforce roles that
women are homemakers and mothers,
while men are the breadwinners. In using
these stereotypes, they may coerce the
vic琀椀m into taking full responsibility of all
“domes琀椀c” du琀椀es such as the cleaning,
cooking, and childcare.
4. Gaslighting
Gasligh琀椀ng is a manipula琀椀on
tac琀椀c o昀琀en wielded by emo琀椀onal
abusers. They use gasligh琀椀ng as a
way to gain and maintain power
and control in a rela琀椀onship.
5. Name calling & put downs
The abuser will likely bully their
vic琀椀m by using hur琀昀ul words and
malicious put-downs to lower the
vic琀椀m’s self-esteem. This tac琀椀c is
designed to make the vic琀椀m feel
unimportant and de昀椀cient.
6. Limiting access to funds
Controlling the 昀椀nances is a way
of restric琀椀ng the vic琀椀m’s access
to freedom and ability to leave
the rela琀椀onship. They can exert
昀椀nancial control by:
• Placing the vic琀椀m on a strict
• Limi琀椀ng (or denying) access to
bank accounts.
• Hiding 昀椀nancial resources.
• Preven琀椀ng the vic琀椀m from
having their own bank account
or credit card.
• Rigorously monitoring what the
vic琀椀m spends.
8. Gaining support of children
If there are children in the household, the
abuser o昀琀en tries to turn the children against
the vic琀椀m by telling them that the mother is
a bad parent or by regularly denigra琀椀ng them
in front of the children.