FERNWOOD FITNESS - PULSE eMagazine - Issue#11 - Flipbook - Page 61
9. Controlling aspects of
the body
An abuser will monitor and control
how much the vic琀椀m eats, sleeps or
even 琀椀me spent in the bathroom. The
abuser may require the vic琀椀m to count
calories a昀琀er every meal or adhere to a
strict exercise regimen. They might also
control which medica琀椀ons the vic琀椀m is
allowed to take, including birth control.
10. Regulating the sexual relationship
Abusers might make demands about the amount of sexual ac琀椀vity each week and the kinds of
ac琀椀vi琀椀es the vic琀椀m performs. They may also demand to take sexual pictures or videos of the vic琀椀m or
refuse to wear a condom.
Ge琀�ng out of an abusive rela琀椀onship can be complex, even
more so when children are involved. Some suppor琀椀ve advice
from vic琀椀ms who have le昀琀 an abusive rela琀椀onship include:
1. Maintain communica琀椀on with friends and/or family
Even if it enrages the abuser, a vic琀椀m should try and
keep communica琀椀ons with friends and family whenever
possible. Ask them to check-in with you regularly.
2. Call a domes琀椀c violence hotline
Keep track of where your nearest public phone is – or
pick up a cheap phone without the abuser knowing –
and periodically weigh your op琀椀ons with a professional.
1800RESPECT is open 24 hours a day to support people
impacted by sexual assault, domes琀椀c or family violence
and abuse. Call 1800 737 732.
3. Prac琀椀ce how to escape safely
If there are children, teach them to iden琀椀fy a safe place
such as a friend’s house or the library, where they can go
to for help and teach them how to call the police.
4. Have a safety plan for yourself
When deciding to leave, ensure you have a plan of where
to go and who to stay with.
If you’re in immediate danger
call 000. If you don’t have
access to a phone, try to
physically remove yourself
by ge琀�ng to a neighbour’s
house or nearby business.
If you know someone who
you believe is living with a
controlling or abusive partner,
the contacts below will be
able to provide advice.
DVConnect Womensline:
1800 811 811
DVConnect Mensline:
1800 600 636
Sexual Assault Helpline:
1800 010 120
Kids Help Line:
1800 55 1800
13 11 14